A glimpse of Bergamo

I can’t believe I didn’t talk to you about Bergamo before! It’s a very cute town only 50 km away from Milan in Italy. It was about time that I show it to you because it’s a treasure of the North of Italy!

I took these pictures last summer and I don’t know why they’ve been sleeping on my computer till today. I took these pictures to blog about the city and then I totally forgot about them. I read a blog post about Bergamo yesterday which made me realize that I still needed to make you discover this beauty and to add another Italian city to my Italy category which is becoming bigger and bigger. Do you remember when I told you that I knew Italy better than my own country? ;)

There are 3 airports close to Milan and the smallest one is in Bergamo. The city is split in 2 : the upper city, the medieval city surrounded by ramparts and the lower city, the administrative center of the city. I will now let you discover this city through some pictures.

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It’s a Bergamasco speciality called “Polenta e Osei”. It’s a cake made from sponge cake, chocolate, butter, hazelnut creams and rum. It’s covered with yellow marzipan to make it looks like polenta.

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the garden of the old town

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Piazza Vecchia

Tadaaam here is the “pièce de résistance”: the Capella Colleoni ! This chapel decorated with marble is a concentrate of art and beauty, a true art Renaissance masterpiece that I will never get tired of.


Capella Colleoni

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the cathedral

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the lower city


If you plan to go to Milan for Spring, don’t forget to go to Bergamo, you won’t regret it, trust me! :)

Arrivederci, I’ll see you next Friday for some vitamin recipes. A presto!


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