Weekend in La Baule


I spent 3 days in La Baule (in Bretagne), it was so nice because all the ingredients for a good weekend were combined. I already gave you the recipe for perfect cosy weekend here, today i’m giving you the recipe for a perfect summery weekend.

Ingredients :
– the basis of the recipe is to mix friends but not only friends who already know each other

– add a house

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– a dose of sun


Triwa sunglasses

– pour sea water and a bowl of fresh air

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– sprinkle with summer activities like rock climbing, bike riding, card games and tanning sessions


Triangl swimsuit

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– add a ladle of regional specialities (seafood, kouign amann, caramels with fleur de sel from Guérande, gâteaux Balois, niniches, crêpes…)

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– 4 tablespoons of happy mood, dancing evenings and hours spent in the car singing out loud to old and kitsch songs

– 1kg of strolls

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– let it marinate in some good wine with cheese and salami

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– grill it on the barbecue for a few minutes

It’s ready, you can enjoy it without moderation!



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